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When we think of palm trees, we might think they’re all the same or at least similar. But that’s not even close to the truth! There’re actually over 2,600 palm tree species - and not all of them grow on warm, sunny beaches. Believe it or not, some of these palms like cold temperatures and temperate places.

Some of what we think of as palm trees aren’t even palms at all! Cycads, for example, look very similar to palms with their thick trunks and green leaves, but this family of plants isn’t closely related to palms. Instead, they’re a closer relative to gingko trees.

Already surprised by some of these tidbits? Keep reading to get the scoop on all things palms!

How To Pick Your Own Palm Tree With such huge numbers of palms to choose from, it can get to be extremely overwhelming, especially if you are new to the palm tree scene. While picking your palm tree, consider the reason you want to own one in the first place. Is it going to give shade at the pool? Be a point of convergence in the front yard? Or on the other hand, do you need some privacy from your pesky neighbors? Choosing the reason will assist you with narrowing down your decision. If you live in a tropical state like Florida, the atmosphere isn't an issue since almost any palm will develop and grow successfully there. Appearance is another vital factor in picking a tree. There are multi-trunk and single-trunk palms. Multi-trunks are extraordinary for making a fence or barrier between properties. Single trunks are ideal for points of convergence or for planting along the garage or down the side of the driveway. Furthermore, palms have different leaf arrangements palmate (fan-shaped) or pinnate (feather-formed). A standout amongst the most famous palm trees with fan-molded leaves is the Bismarck Palm or Bismarckia nobilis. This is a standout amongst the most wanted palm trees anywhere around that will give any scene an emotional and visual impact. This tree is ideal for a common point of convergence. Canary Island date palms are also very popular and majestic! A perfect example of a pinnate (feather-shaped) palm is the Queen Palm or Syagrus romanzoffiana It's one of the more beloved palm trees in the world because of its elegance, low maintenance, price, and ability to stand temps in the 30s for brief periods. ​ If you are into "zone pushing" and want to learn about a cold-hardy palm tree that can withstand temperatures down to 5 degrees when mature, then take a look at the Windmill Palm Tree. This palm also has fan-shaped fronds and is considered to be a slow grower compared to other palm trees. Companies in the Northeast like CT Palm Trees, based out of CT, sell windmill palms at times and also sell and rent other tropical plants.

Planting Your Palm Tree We shall begin with planting. If you accidentally plant it the incorrect way, dug excessively deep, or raised too high, the tree may not survive. When planting a palm, attempt to limit the 'transplant shock' by acclimatizing your tree to the new area first. Leave however much soil on the roots as could be expected and don't trim the roots. Recently planted trees shouldn't be given any nutrients until new roots are produced which takes 1-2 months. If you add fertilizer in the wake of planting, it will just put more pressure/stress on your newly planted palm.

Watering Your Palm Tree Palms are typically not found in the desert, they like wet, drained soil. That is the reason you should utilize a decent quality soil that assimilates water well yet, in addition, gives quick seepage. Poor soil causing the water not to drain can prompt root decay and in the long run the demise of the tree. To ensure your tree is getting enough water test the dirt with a soil tester. Recently planted palms have short roots and should be watered regularly. Once settled in, you can change to the regular watering schedule. Palms should be watered more regularly amid the sweltering summer months, compared to during the wintertime. Here is a guide on how to water your palm tree.

Fertilizing Your Palm Tree Fertilizer is important, especially since you typically get what you pay for. Invest in a high-quality brand. You need to ensure your palm is getting every one of the nutrients needed particularly amid the developing season when it's growing new roots and new foliage. Healthy trees have a much better chance of surviving the cold snaps in winter as well. Remember, too much fertilizer can consume the underlying foundations of the palm debilitating it. Debilitated plants regularly draw in various nuisances and diseases. I prefer to utilize a slow-release fertilizer that keeps going up to half the year and doesn't dissolve after 2-3 downpours. As I've referenced above, don't introduce recently planted palms with fertilizer until adapted.

Pruning Your Palm Tree Numerous individuals believe that cutting yellowing leaves or dark-colored tips will enhance the development of the new fronds. NOT TRUE! Palm trees are not like other plants. They use supplements from the diminishing fronds to develop new leaves. In this way, trim just DRY leaves that are dead. I realize it doesn't look great with each one of those darker leaves hanging down, however, hold up till they are dry. Remember, cutting fronds excessively at the same time will cause the palm stress.

Cold Protection For Your Palm Tree Most inquiries I receive are about cold/frost-harmed palms. Unless you own a very cold hardy palm tree, individuals who live in tropical atmospheres are not set up and prepared for cold fronts that unexpectedly hit the territory out of the blue. In the event that you are not checking the temperatures consistently, you can wake up with a frosty, and sad palm tree under dis-stress! The most imperative piece of the palm is its bud or spear. That is the area in the center where the new development of fronds originates from. On the off chance that the bud gets harmed during cold snaps, the tree in all likelihood will sadly kick the bucket. Healthier and more mature palms have a better chance of surviving the winter months. Low temperatures can likewise harm the tissue in the trunk, which may influence the amount of water that gets to the fronds causing harm or death. To protect your palms from cold the most straightforward thing you can do is to shower them with a spray from your local store that protects the palm during frost. You can also use a frost blanket. Other things you can do are: Spread mulch to protect the palm’s roots. At least 6 inches thick. Use burlap to wrap the trunk of the palm tree. Use a container, or even a garbage can to protect if the palm is small. Use a space heater. Use warm CFL lights or Christmas lights to wrap around the tree to add heat.

Palm Tree Facts & Features




We may be most familiar with taller palms lining beaches or roads, but not all palms are tall and not all are considered trees. In fact, it’s actually a misnomer to call all palms “trees.” Some are better classified as shrubs, while others have more of a climbing habit, like vines.

Compact varieties often reach only 6 to 9 feet in height, and palms grown indoors or in containers can be even smaller than their outdoor counterparts. At the same time, some species of palms are counted among the tallest tree species in the world. The Wax Palm, for instance, can grow up to 200 feet tall!




Not all palms are warm-weather plants, despite the common misconception. Some species tolerate cold temperatures, and a few types even thrive in temperatures down to negative degrees Fahrenheit, as well as in snow and ice conditions.




The best way to determine if a plant is a palm is by looking at its leaves. Palm leaves are typically thin fronds either in a feather or fan-like formation. Cycads, on the other hand, have stiffer leaves that emerge from a central stalk.




Another way to identify a palm is by examining its trunk. Taller palms have slender trunks that are smooth, grayish-brown or ringed, while dwarf trees have rotund, short trunks. Though the single-trunked palm is what we usually think of, some shorter varieties do have multiple trunks that grow together. And some palm varieties don’t have trunks at all.

So, let’s take a look at some common palm varieties below to learn more!

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