Why CBD Oil with your Morning Coffee? CBD oil enhances the mental alertness induced by caffeine in coffee and reduces annoying side-effects like anxiety and jitters. The active ingredient in coffee is caffeine. It’s what makes us feel alter, focused, and awake but it can also make us feel anxious, increase our heart rate, and what can give us the jitters. The main reason to add CBD oil to coffee is to negate these side effects, especially with people sensitive to caffeine. Mixing CBD oil and coffee is becoming a popular trend. But CBD Coffee is much, much, more than just a marketing trend. There are several advantages to mixing CBD oil with coffee beyond the relaxing effects of the CBD help reduce the unwanted side-effects of caffeine consumption (primarily the jitteriness and anxiety).
Benefits of CBD-Infused Coffee ? Now that we know those details about CBD oil, here are the many benefits it contributes to your health and wellness. The most impressive health benefits of hemp coffee to date include its ability to 1) Boost Energy, 2) Improve Cognition, 3) provide rich Antioxidants and serve as an Anti-Anxiety, Antidepressant, 4) Increase Metabolism and help as a Weight Loss Aid, 5) Maximize Your Fitness Goals, 6) Improves Heart Health, 7) Reduce Risk of Diabetes, 8) Protect Liver, 9) serve as a Neuroprotectant, and 10) aids with Eye Care maintenance.
Healthline link to CBD Benefits?
How Does CBD Enhances Mental Alertness? CBD oil can further enhance the feeling of mental alertness produced by caffeine by interacting with some of the adenosine. The same neurotransmitters responsible for carrying out the effects. Mental alertness is controlled by a few key neurotransmitters in the brain. One of the most important is adenosine. As more adenosine builds up, our neurons become progressively slower at sending messages. This makes us feel slow and tired. It’s designed to help us wind down to fall asleep at night. Caffeine blocks the effects of adenosine by attaching to the receptors itself — thereby preventing adenosine from doing its job keeping us awake when we would otherwise feel tired. CBD oil offers many of its own benefits through its interaction with adenosine, but the interaction is much more complex than it is with caffeine it’s considered a modulator of adenosine. This means that CBD oil appears to work by improving the efficiency of the adenosine receptors directly. Other stimulating effects of CBD oil may come through its interaction with serotonin often considered the “happy” neurotransmitter. Increased serotonin activity leads to a greater sense of well-being and motivation.
How Does CBD Assist in Avoiding Anxious Side-Effects? One of the best-known uses of CBD oil is for treating anxiety. Studies have shown that CBD oil is effective at reducing states of anxiety in various experimental models. User reports online say CBD oil was able to alleviate the anxiety caused by caffeine as well something we can attest to. CBD oil is a very good anxiety-reducer because it offers several separate mechanisms to achieve this rather than relying on one thing. All of these different effects combine to produce the potent anti-anxiety effects attributed to CBD. CBD offers the following improvements for anxiety: •Increases GABA activity — causing widespread relaxation in the nervous system. •Regulates hypothalamic function —the region in the brain that controls our stress-response. •Relaxes the muscles — easing anxiety-related tension. •Stops inflammation in the brain —neuroinflammation (inflammation in the brain) is an underlying cause for anxiety.
Experience Longer-Acting Benefits of Both CBD Oil & Caffeine. Almost everything that enters the body needs to be processed by the liver in order to be eliminated from the body. In order to do this, the liver uses a series of specialized enzymes (CYP enzymes) to disassemble drugs, cell byproducts, and other compounds in our bloodstream. Caffeine and cannabidiol are similar enough in structure to require the same enzymes by the liver — CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP2D6, and CYP3A4. There’s a limit to the metabolizing power of the liver. If there’s a sudden increase in compounds such as caffeine and CBD oil, the liver gets backed up. The liver can only process these compounds as fast as it can. Just like rush hour traffic being slowed down by the sheer volume of cars, traffic to the liver for metabolism is also slowed down. This essentially means that CBD oil and caffeine increase the duration of effects for one another. This is also a perfect vector for CBD oil — it’s a perfect way to combine these two substances.
Key Takeaways: Mixing CBD Oil with Coffee. There are plenty of reasons you might want to start mixing CBD oil with your morning coffee, or any consecutive coffees for that matter. The caffeine in coffee (and other sources of caffeine) turns out to be synergistic with CBD. When taken together, they both produce a heightened level of productivity through increased alertness and concentration. They also slow the breakdown of each other, allowing them to circulate through the body for longer periods of time. And finally, CBD oil directly counteracts many of the most frustrating side-effects of caffeine — such as anxiety episodes, jitteriness, shaking, and muscle cramping.